Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi and welcome!

Hi! Welcome and thank you for joining me in my first blogging experience. My name is Sasha and I started EsMae in October 2009. What made me decide to create picture frames? Good question. I went to an art college in Los Angeles and got a degree in Interior Design. After graduating and unable to find a job, I moved back home to Cincinnati. After a year of still not finding work, I decided to go back to school for another degree, this time in healthcare. My sister who is still out in LA fell in love with making hair accessories. She has a store on etsy, so I decided that sounded like fun. So I did a little shopping and got the idea of making picture frames using scrapbook paper. One night I put one together and realized it wasn't half bad. So I created a few more and posted them on etsy too! It took a while, but instead of selling my first one, I sold my first 6! I was so excited and just kept working on more. If there is something I did in interior design, I would say this is it. So I guess my degree was put to good use (well not really) but it is a nice thought to have. So please feel free to take a look at my products at EsMae and also my sisters hair accessories called Chastina


  1. Thank you for the compliments ladies!

  2. Lovely frames and hair accessories :)

  3. Congratulations on your first blog and putting yourself out there! I am new to all of this as well. I started my first blog a couple of weeks ago to gain exposure for my first book that was published last summer. I have found that there is a wonderful community of women out there eager to help one another. I look forward to your future blogs and good luck! Your products are fantastic! Have a great week!

  4. Thank you Kimberly that was very encouraging! Congrats on your first published book! That is such a huge accomplishment!

  5. hi!
    I found you through twittermoms-- your frames are super cute. How exactly do you do them? do you buy them wholesale in a lot and cover them with scrapbook paper and that's it, or is there more to it than that? I'm just curious--- no interest in doing this myself--- do you make bigger ones too, or just 4x6?

  6. Hi Heather! No that is pretty much it. I have done some that hold 8x10 pictures and I am working on one that can hold a 5x7. Thanks for being a fan!
